Thursday, June 11, 2009

CPR Recerts....DEATH!

So last month at work for our in-service training I thought it would be a good idea to do CPR recertification tests in order to avoid highschool lifeguards coming into the office every hour, on the hour with the following conversation taking place:

Lifeguard: (while avoiding eye contact and playing nervously with pens in cup on the desk) "Hey um....I had a question...

Me: .....yes? (said in dead tone while waiting for the question I know they will ask)

Lifeguard: yeah, uh I need my CPR renewed....Could uhhh....could I do that?

Me: Did you go to in-service last month?

version 1-Well....I uh kinda forgot about it until the next day...
version 2- Well I didn't pass those tests
version 3- well....huh?

Me: You need to find an instructor who will recertify you. (sure as heck won't be me)

Lifeguard: you are an instructor and uhm...hyrum, uh erin, Suzanne, and uhmmmm.....

Me: ................Teralyn.....?

Lifeguard: oh...uh yeah. (guard then turns to look at manager schedule) Hyrum works you think if I came in that he would be ready to test me right then?

Me: (complete with "are you kidding me??" look) No. He will be working then....

Lifeguard: Oh....yeah....(continues staring at schedule)

Me: (GIANT EYE ROLL) Can you come in at 4 tomorrow?

Lifeguard: .......9am-11pm????

Me: Can you come in to test at 4 tomorrow or not?


Okay I can't continue explaining this conversation anymore. I love my job, but seems like we go through phases of stupidity with these guards!!! I can't come in for each one whenever they want to have them just fail the tests cause they have no idea what the heck they are doing in the first place because they don't study or practice. GAH!!! Its bad, but I want someone to actually NEED CPR here so they will realize its not a joke and that they are being idiots. as'gweilof oR?KIew'weew iee <---me pounding on keyboard.

That is all.


Mary said...

wow- i am sorry. next time a guard comes with that look in their eyes just refer them to this blog and then iam sure they will for sure one- never make eye contact with you
two- ask the OTHER two managers about recerts in avoidance of you :)

Suz said...

What's funny is...I get the same thing! Uh, Suzanne, my CPR is almost expired. What should I do? GOOD GRIEF!!! Drives me nuts!

Janell said...

Yeah, it wasn't so bad at first, but after 50 of the same questions and lame excuses about not showing up to in-service I'm just done...

Suz said...

Um, it's time for you to blog once again! And I totally forgot to ask you about your brother leaving on his mission! Hope it went alright.