Last Saturday I worked a LONG day, which is good because I need the hours, but it was still long. I came in and covered for a head guard at 6:45am and left the building at 11:15pm. I planned on making an hour by hour blog entry of the day, but it was forgotten somewhere along the way. However, here are some highlights:
6:45am- I came in and probably looked half dead. If you want confirmation of that, ask Jared. Luckily for me, there was one diet coke left in the fridge which I drank and then Jared got me a little cup of candy from somewhere. I didn't ask questions as it contained sugar, which was greatly needed. I forgot to say, I only had like 3 hours sleep tops the night before. Moving on...
The 8 o'clock hour- Bailey came in and Jared left me. I was freezing on deck, but discovered that I had a towel here and that our new drier was hooked up in the guard room. I'm so brilliant, I put my towel in there for a few minutes and then wrapped myself in it. It felt AMAZING. I proceeded to do this every hour or so for the rest of the day. One problem that plauged me about the towel/drier brillancy was the fact that every time I went to start the thing, I forgot you had to push and HOLD the start button down. Every time I went to start it and it wouldn't go, I'd panic and press the button a few more times.
11am- The guards and I started making a festive holiday chain.
12pm- Backstory to this hour: I had been debating in my head most of the day what I was going to get for lunch when Mary got here to head guard and when I felt tired or depressed about how many hours I had left, I would think "It's ok. Everything will be alright. Mary is going to be here at 1." and I felt better. BUT!, at about 12:30 I realized that 1 was when I normally came in and that Mary would actually not be here until 3pm. Those were the dark hours.
I sat by Hunter and worked on the chain some more and every few seconds I'd just turn to him and say "I'm so depressed...." and then after a while, he started telling me that "if I would focus on trying to make the chain faster, I wouldn't feel so depressed." Yeah....Thanks for the support towel boy....not.
3pm- Mary arrived and there was much rejoycing. I then ran to panda and got my delish lunch.
The rest of the day was kind of a blur that I don't remember much of. There was a party and Mary went insane at some point too.
Christmas eve was good too, except I had issues like an hour into the shift and was in mucho pain-o. I went home after, took advil, and proceeded to sleep for a couple hours.
Our breakfast was fun though. I enjoyed it and the people who were working.
Today I was going to come in at 9am, but again had issues and came in at like 11am. Still a good long shift, but I'm starting to feel these longer hours. There is only so much I can do here and so after all that's done...the time drags quite a bit.
Christmas was good. I got some really awesome and thoughtful gifts. I hope my family liked theirs too.
This is the camera santa brought me. It is not fisher price. It is real and medium format. I'm excited to take some pictures with it.
Those are some pictures taken with this kind of camera. I really like the style.
Also, I got set of these products from my parents and I LOVE them:
Well that is all for now. This is random, but some people's attitudes just totally rub me the wrong way. I REALLY don't like it when it happens at work and I can't really avoid it. Blah. Two more hours. Two more hours.